When I was five years old, I went to swimming lessons, because my mother forced me to do it.
I went to a gym in Mairena, and when I arrived, the teacher was waiting for me. Her name was Anastasia and she was angry, she was always shouting at me.
We went to the swimming pool, and there, she throw me to the water. I couldn't swim, so I started to drown. Finally she rescued me and I started to cry. I didn't return to her lessons anymore.
I felt very scared, because I thought that I was going to die. Now I can swim, so it helped me a lot.
jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2012
My first day at school
My first day at school was very special. I was very nervous, because all the people said that it was very difficult.
I arrived there and I couldn't walk. I saw a big building with lots of people shouting and running. I was scared, but I entered the building and saw my friends Jose, Curro, Adri... They were all very worried, because we didn't know our class.
Then they saw a list and they got relaxed because they were all in the same class. I wasn't in the bilingual section, so I was sad, but finally I could enter.
I'm very shy, so at first I didn't talk to many people, but it changed fast and now I've got a lot of new friends, as you can see in that photo.
I arrived there and I couldn't walk. I saw a big building with lots of people shouting and running. I was scared, but I entered the building and saw my friends Jose, Curro, Adri... They were all very worried, because we didn't know our class.
Then they saw a list and they got relaxed because they were all in the same class. I wasn't in the bilingual section, so I was sad, but finally I could enter.
I'm very shy, so at first I didn't talk to many people, but it changed fast and now I've got a lot of new friends, as you can see in that photo.
sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2012
My description
Hello, my name´s Pablo and I´m studying at the virtual school because I had bad luck. I was running near my house when I heard a noise. It was a cat, and it started to claw me. I tried to escape, but some more cats came and I fell to the floor. I broke my legs and now I can´t walk.
I´m fifteen, and I´m from Almensilla. I´ve got black hair and brown eyes, and I´m medium-high. I always wear glasses because I can´t see well without them.
I´m very sporty, and I love tennis, but I prefer football because I think it is the best sport in the world.
I also like meeting my friends and watching films, so we usually go to the cinema and watch terror films.
At school, I´m really interested in P.E., because I love sports. I´m not at all interested in French, because I don´t like this language.
I think I´m good at English or history, but I´m bad at Language, because it´s very boring and I don´t mind many things of this subject.
I´m fifteen, and I´m from Almensilla. I´ve got black hair and brown eyes, and I´m medium-high. I always wear glasses because I can´t see well without them.
I´m very sporty, and I love tennis, but I prefer football because I think it is the best sport in the world.
I also like meeting my friends and watching films, so we usually go to the cinema and watch terror films.
At school, I´m really interested in P.E., because I love sports. I´m not at all interested in French, because I don´t like this language.
I think I´m good at English or history, but I´m bad at Language, because it´s very boring and I don´t mind many things of this subject.
jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012
Hi Ramón,
My parents and I are organising a trip to London.
We are going to be there for five days, because London is very difficult to see in less days.
On Monday, We´re going to see the Big Ben, a typical monument in London, and then we are going to visit the London Eye. There, we will see all London.
On Tuesday we are visiting the Tower Bridge, an enormous building built beside the river. Then, we are going to be relaxed inside the hotel, because we will be very tired after seeing all the monuments.
On Wednesday we are going to visit the British Museum, because it is very important in London. Later we are shopping in Oxford street.
On Thursday we´re going to Picadilly Circus and then we´re seeing the Nature Museum.
Finally, on Friday we are going to visit the Queen´s palace and then we´re leaving London.
See you soon,
My parents and I are organising a trip to London.
We are going to be there for five days, because London is very difficult to see in less days.
On Monday, We´re going to see the Big Ben, a typical monument in London, and then we are going to visit the London Eye. There, we will see all London.
On Tuesday we are visiting the Tower Bridge, an enormous building built beside the river. Then, we are going to be relaxed inside the hotel, because we will be very tired after seeing all the monuments.
On Wednesday we are going to visit the British Museum, because it is very important in London. Later we are shopping in Oxford street.
On Thursday we´re going to Picadilly Circus and then we´re seeing the Nature Museum.
Finally, on Friday we are going to visit the Queen´s palace and then we´re leaving London.
See you soon,
lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012
Hello Leopoldo,
I know that you are about to move to Almensilla. I´m going to tell you some advantages and disadvantages of living there.
I´m from Almensilla, so I know all the town.
Almensilla is a very relaxing town, because there are less people than in other towns, so you will be very relaxed here.
If you love sports, you will be very happy in Almensilla because we have two sports centres and two gyms.
There are also two big parks, so you will walk and play with your son in these green areas, where you will breathe pure air.
And finally if you love restaurants, you will eat in many restaurants of the town because there are a lot.
But there are some disadvantages, for example the town is very small, and it hasn´t got cinemas and shopping centres, so you will have to go to other towns to go shopping.
And sometimes it´s boring, because you don´t have nothing to do.
Yours sincerely,
I know that you are about to move to Almensilla. I´m going to tell you some advantages and disadvantages of living there.
I´m from Almensilla, so I know all the town.
Almensilla is a very relaxing town, because there are less people than in other towns, so you will be very relaxed here.
If you love sports, you will be very happy in Almensilla because we have two sports centres and two gyms.
There are also two big parks, so you will walk and play with your son in these green areas, where you will breathe pure air.
And finally if you love restaurants, you will eat in many restaurants of the town because there are a lot.
But there are some disadvantages, for example the town is very small, and it hasn´t got cinemas and shopping centres, so you will have to go to other towns to go shopping.
And sometimes it´s boring, because you don´t have nothing to do.
Yours sincerely,
martes, 8 de mayo de 2012
Skyscraper City
They're both very interesting, but also very expensive so I won't buy a house in these cities.
I prefer Skyscraper City, because I think it's a more real project.
I would like to live there because I will have all the services of a town in my house.
I will get to school in a minute, because there is a school in the city.
There will be department stores and shops, so I will shop without leaving my house.
And I think it's better than Clubstead because Skyscraper City can be situated near a city so you can go to the city when you want to. In Clubstead you can't go out, because it is in the middle of the ocean.
Definitely, I would like to live in Skyscraper City because it will be the most comfortable city in the world.
I prefer Skyscraper City, because I think it's a more real project.
I would like to live there because I will have all the services of a town in my house.
I will get to school in a minute, because there is a school in the city.
There will be department stores and shops, so I will shop without leaving my house.
And I think it's better than Clubstead because Skyscraper City can be situated near a city so you can go to the city when you want to. In Clubstead you can't go out, because it is in the middle of the ocean.
Definitely, I would like to live in Skyscraper City because it will be the most comfortable city in the world.
jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012
I love fashion and clothes, but I don´t have any time to buy new clothes. I love all my clothes, but I have got four favourite ones:
I´ve got some trendy white trainers. They´re very beautiful and also very comfortable. I wear them when I have to run.
I also like my new red sweater. It´s very warm because it is made of cotton. I wear it many times in winter.
I´ve also got some old black jeans. They´re very sensible for school, because I have used it for three years.
And the fashion item I like most is my fashionable blue T-shirt. It´s very beautiful and I use it a lot. It costed me a lot of money.
I definitely love my clothes, but I want to buy some new ones.
viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012
A Great Experience
I have always loved animals. Three years ago, I finally got the chance to help a beautiful one. I was inthe country side with my family. Suddenly, I saw a little cat in a tree branch. I decided to climb up to the tree. It was difficult, but finally I rescued it. Then I Gave a fish to the cat, It was very happy.
A week have passed since then, and now the cat is called Pepe and it is living in my home.
This has been an excellent experience for me. I have decided to become an animal carer one day.
A week have passed since then, and now the cat is called Pepe and it is living in my home.
This has been an excellent experience for me. I have decided to become an animal carer one day.
jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012
I´m a clown
Dear Pepe:
Hello Pepe, How are you? I´m very well because I have become a clown. It´s a good job because you only have to make kids laugh. I prepared my first show two weeks ago and I´ve made four parties.
Yesterday I had a very successful party at the beach.
It was the birthday of a rich boy. Almost a hundred children went to the party. I was very nervous at the beginning, because all the parents were there and they were important people. I started my show and all the people started to laugh, because I fell on the sand. I hurt my leg, but I had to start the show, so I stood up and began to do my show. I started to tell jokes and children were very excited.
They all had fun, so the boy´s father paid me a lot of money at the end of the show.
Hello Pepe, How are you? I´m very well because I have become a clown. It´s a good job because you only have to make kids laugh. I prepared my first show two weeks ago and I´ve made four parties.
Yesterday I had a very successful party at the beach.
It was the birthday of a rich boy. Almost a hundred children went to the party. I was very nervous at the beginning, because all the parents were there and they were important people. I started my show and all the people started to laugh, because I fell on the sand. I hurt my leg, but I had to start the show, so I stood up and began to do my show. I started to tell jokes and children were very excited.
They all had fun, so the boy´s father paid me a lot of money at the end of the show.
Yours Sincerely,
domingo, 22 de enero de 2012
Relatos mitológicos
Este mito cuenta la historia de un hombre avaro y mentiroso capaz de hacer de todo para conseguir dinero. Antes de morir, le dijo a su mujer que no ofreciera el sacrificio a los muertos cuando el muriera. Cuando él llegó al infierno, se quejó de que su mujer no hizo el sacrificio para que el pudiera volver al mundo superior y regañarle.
Sísifo se resistía a volver al inframundo, así que fue llevado a la fuerza y una vez allí fue castigado teniendo que llevar una piedra hasta la cima de una colina. La piedra siempre caía de nuevo al llegar a la cima y él debía comenzar de nuevo.
En la mitología griega Prometeo es el Dios Titán, protector de los humanos. Robaba el fuego a los dioses y se lo daba a los humanos para su uso. Por este hecho fue castigado duramente por Zeus, el Rey de los Dioses y Dios del cielo y el trueno.
Hades y el Inframundo
Hades era el dios del inframundo, el reino invisible al que los muertos van tras dejar el mundo, así como todas las cosas bajo tierra.
Hades mantenía un equilibrio entre la maldad y la pasividad, pero cuando había que castigar a alguien, lo hacía con mucha dureza, por ejemplo el castigo que le impuso a Sísifo por intentar escapar de la muerte.
Zeus y sus amores
Zeus era el Rey de los Dioses, pero se caracterizó por ser muy mujeriego y por tener numerosas aventuras y amantes, fruto de las cuales nacieron: Atenea, Apolo, Artemisa, Hermes, Perséfone, Dionisio, Perseo, Heracles, Helena, Minos y las Musas.
Estuvo casado con Hera, y con ella tuvo tres hijos: Ares Hebe y Hefesto.
Eran mujeres dotadas con alas cuya misión era robar la comida a Fineo antes de que se la comiera, cumpliendo el castigo impuesto por Zeus.
Tenían fama de ser malvadas y poseer grandes garras con las que podían atacar.
De ahí viene el término ``arpía´´ que se refiere a alguien codicioso que con maña saca todo lo que puede.
Fue el dios que gobernó la mitología antes de que fuera derrotado por sus propios hijos, Zeus, Hades y Poseidón. Se hizo rey venciendo a su padre, Urano, el que fuera dios del cielo, castrándolo con una hoz y destronándolo.
Eco era una ninfa con una voz increíble que se enamoro de un vanidoso joven llamado Narciso. Éste la ignoraba y la consideraba una loca y Eco se paso toda la vida en solitario, cada vez más triste por el rechazo de Narciso, hasta que desapareció y solo quedó su voz.
Prometeo hizo que en los sacrificios se reservaran los huesos para los dioses y la carne para los humanos, por lo que Zeus se enfadó y le quitó el fuego a los hombres. Prometeo robó el fuego a los dioses, lo que provocó la irritación de Zeus. Éste mando a modelar una bella mujer de arcilla (Pandora) y le dió vida. Le dió un carácter encantador y sensual, pero también lleno su ánimo de mentiras, seducción y carácter inconstante. Con ello Zeus configuró un ``bello mal´´´, ya que los hombres caían ante el enamoramiento de Pandora, aceptando en realidad grandes desgracias.
Tántalo fue invitado por Zeus a una comida de los dioses. Tras la cena, Tántalo comenzó a presumir ante sus amigos por la experiencia que había tenido. Incluso comentó secretos de la reunión y repartió algunos manjares que había robado.
Tras morir, Tántalo fue castigado por los dioses y fue enviado al infierno. Allí se encontraba en un lago con el agua hasta el cuello, y con un árbol lleno de frutas sobre la cabeza. Cuando Tántalo intentaba beber agua o coger alguna fruta, éstas se alejaban para que no pudiera tomarlas.
La Esfinge
La esfinge era un demonio que se dedicaba a destruir los cultivos y a devastar las nuevas cosechas. También se dedicaba a matar de forma cruel a todo el que no resolviera los enigmas que ella proponía.
Es representada con cabeza de mujer, cuerpo de león y alas de ave.
jueves, 19 de enero de 2012
Carta al director
D. Javier Rodríguez:
Le escribo esta carta para agradecerle la belleza y honestidad de sus palabras, ya que cuando leí el artículo que usted publicó sobre mí me entraron escalofríos, e incluso se me inundaron los ojos al leer semejantes piropos y bellas palabras hacia mi persona.
El título de Grand Slam que conseguí se lo dedico a todos los españoles, por su entrega y admiración, ya que sin su apoyo no habría tenido fuerzas para llegar a donde he llegado. También se lo dedico a usted, D.Javier, y le muestro todo mi cariño y admiración, porque también gracias a sus palabras me siento tan querido por la gente.
Intentaré seguir alegrándoles por un momento la vida a todas las personas que me siguen.
un abrazo,
Pablo, jugador de tenis profesional
jueves, 12 de enero de 2012
texto con 10 prefijos o sufijos
En unos meses yo y varios compañeros de clase viajaremos a Inglaterra de intercambio. Primero llegaremos a Liverpool, una vez allí nos dirigiremos a la casa de nuestro anfitrión inglés, con el que pasaremos cinco días muy entretenidos. Una vez en la casa, desaremos la maleta y nos encaminaremos hacia el colegio de los compañeros ingleses. Allí conoceremos a los profesores y visitaremos las instalaciones, como por ejemplo un gran polideportivo con pistas de tenis en su interior.
Junto con nuestros amigos ingleses visitaremos muchos lugares interesantes de la ciudad y su extrarradio, pero lo mejor estará por llegar, porque después de cinco fantásticos días en Liverpool viajaremos en tren hasta Londres, la ciudad más importante del gran archipiélago de ``Reino Unido´´.
Allí nos alojaremos en un hotel tan antiguo que parece ser de tiempos precolombinos, donde pasaremos unas pequeñas vacaciones anticipadas.
Durante nuestra estancia allí visitaremos la biblioteca municipal, donde se almacenan multitud de libros (biografías, novelas, cuentos...).
Por último volaremos de nuevo hasta Sevilla, donde se acabará nuestro viaje. Un microbús nos recogerá en el aeropuerto y nos llevará a casa.
Podremos decir que somos ``multilingües´´, ya que hablaremos inglés, francés, español y ``andaluz´´.
Estoy seguro de que este viaje internacional nos encantará a todos.
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